Beating Premature Ejaculation – 3 Easy Ways To Longer Lasting Intercourse

Beating premature ejaculation is not difficult when you know how to. There are many good, bad and frankly ugly ways to do it so it definitely pays to have someone guide you who has been there before (me). In this article, I’ll share with you 3 easy ways to longer lasting intercourse that will help you towards being permanently cured and never having this problem ever again.

Commit Yourself To 2 Orgasms

In case you didn’t know already, beating premature ejaculation involves overcoming the true, ultimate cause of this condition which is anxiety in the bedroom.

As soon as you have any small amount of anxiety, self-doubt or other worries about any aspect of your performance then these will rapidly lead to ejaculation. If you want to have longer lasting intercourse but permanently then you must get rid of all this anxiety and have 100% confidence in your abilities in the bedroom.

Going back to this tip, guys with PE always worry about when they are going to ejaculate. It becomes not just fear but almost full blown panic. One way to help overcome this and become more comfortable is to commit yourself to two orgasms.

On the first, it doesn’t matter when you ejaculate. It could be in 30 seconds or in 3 minutes. Who cares, if you’re not just setting for starters but are also going to get the main course, right?

Ironically, the less you care about it then the more likely that the time taken to reach your first ejaculation will actually increase. This is because when you no longer care about something, your anxiety decreases.

Keep up this exercise of committing to two orgasms and you will find that your time in the bedroom gradually increases over time.


Changes to your diet alone will not make you beat premature ejaculation but they will help you get there. Every little thing counts.

I strongly advise getting enough EFAs in your diet. Most people are deficient in these essential fatty acids. You can do this by eating two portions of oily fish each week or taking a daily fish oil capsule instead.

Also, there is a natural supplement known as Co-Q10. This enzyme occurs naturally in the body but also has many health benefits if taken as a supplement. One of these is an ability to make you more immune to stress i.e. you don’t stress out as easily. This has been proven to lower stress-related blood pressure, for example. Similarly, it can help to reduce anxiety in the bedroom and therefore is among the easier ways towards longer lasting intercourse.

Be Open And Honest With Your Partner

Unfortunately, men and women are still usually quite poor communicators with each other. The less well you communicate, the more issues you store up in your head until something forces them out later.

The better you communicate with your partner then the less hang-ups that both of you will have about sex and the more you will know what each other wants. A little empathy and understanding from both sides goes a huge way. Not only will you last longer from the increased confidence and decreased anxiety but she will also find it easier to reach orgasm for precisely the same reasons.

About Chris

After being diagnosed with PE I've looked up or tried just about everything out there, this blog is a collection of my thoughts and findings. I research everything I write but if you find a mistake let me know in the comments...

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