Some people don’t like using sprays and pills to stop premature ejaculation. Personally, I think it is OK if you have a serious problem, then whatever help you can get is good. But ultimately, there is a very good natural cure. The slight downside is that it requires some investment of time on your part but hey, if you’re reading this then you must be willing to invest your time into your sexual health, right? Think about how it can enhance your life and that of your partner.
“Kegels” are a set of exercises that are centuries old but recently discovered again by a certain Dr. Kegel. There is a muscle located between your sack and your anus called the PC muscle. By developing this underused muscle, you can learn to control your ejaculation at will. This muscle is actually the same one you use when you go to the bathroom and you flex it when you stop urinating.
Most men have lost the ability to use it but you can regain it so that you can go as long as you want in bed and YOU choose WHEN to ejaculate. It’s incredibly powerful and the best part is you can practice these exercises on your time. As with any exercise involving a muscle, you need to make it a part of your everyday routine. You can expect results from this all natural cure for PE in 4 to 6 weeks depending on how strict you are with your workout routine.